I am BARIS AYDIN. I’m FashIon photographer In İstanbul.
If you do not set the rhythm, you wIll have to dance accordIng to the musIc played.
Fashion photography — in the form of magazines, books, ad campaigns, billboards, and online — rules everything around us, whether we know it, like it, or choose to embrace it. At its start in 1839, it existed strictly to sell. Today, it reflects a lifestyle, an attitude, and a story comprised of the subject(s), location, styling, make-up, hair, and photographer’s vision.
I’m visual creatives. I’m photographer and videographer. I love fashion and the world around it. I love what ı do and believe in doing things from the heart. I find happiness in creativity and find creativity the best tool to communicate ideas. I’m daydreamers and hard worker.
I feel attracted by unique storytelling. I have our own vision but admire many others. I learner and have mentors. I mentors too.
I’m optimistic. I love to laugh and spend time with my friends and family. I’m Barış Aydın. I’m Fashion photographer in İstanbul and love İstanbul.

Not in a million years did I expect you to read my mind, but you did. Thank you for everything!
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